Holly Holden's Pet Etiquette

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Dogs and cats are not always a welcome sight for your guests!  


This is sweet little, but very naughty, Miss Zsa Zsa, our fourth English Jack Russell terrier. They are “terrors,” but adorable!  Photo credit: Gabriella Narus

“Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.”  -Max Eastman, American Author

As long as I can remember, four-legged furry animals have always made my heart go ‘pitter-patter’ with happiness and joy!  Oh, the random treasures that I brought home to my unsuspecting parents. How did they ever put up with me?  Once, during a piano lesson in Taipei, I heard a kitten crying outside of the window.  After my lesson, I walked outside and found the kitten in a brown paper bag “thrown out.”  Yes, tiny “Ribsy” came home to live with us and turned out to be a stunning Calico cat, who teased our dog, Mischief, unmercifully.  I have always been fortunate enough to have a dog, and I cannot imagine life without one. 

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”  -Comedienne Gilda Radner

Recently, Stuart and I celebrated our 45th anniversary! (Yes, I was a child bride... just kidding!)  We were invited to bring our dog, Miss Zsa Zsa, to the house we were going to visit soon after. We chose not to for a few reasons, which inspired me to write about the topic of pets.  

“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” -Orhan Pamuk

Maybe it was this precious illustration that I had in my bedroom as a child that captured my heart and made Jack Russells so dear to me.

Pet Guests: Not that many of us have houseguests these days due to COVID, but should you be a houseguest and are invited to bring your pet, there are a few courtesies for you to consider:

  • Inquire where the animal should stay in the house before arriving. Either bring a kennel cage and blanket, or a baby-gate, as needed.  

  • It is rawwwther presumptuous to ask if your pet can sleep in the bed with you, as the host/hostess may not want pet hair or dander in their guest room or on their beautiful linens. If they offer for you to do so, be respectful of their house by minding your pet. 

  • Along with the food you pack for your dog or cat, bring along bowls for their food and water. Don’t expect to use the pretty porcelain at the house you are visiting. 

  • Bring a leash to walk your dog and pick up after them.

“A house is not a home until it has a dog.” -Gerald Durrell

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“Oops, the vase fell over, but I can still smell the flowers!”

For guests visiting a house with pets: If you invite a guest into your home, for any occasion, ask them these two questions either at the door, or preferably in advance of their arrival:  Are you allergic to animals, and are you afraid of dogs or cats?  

The answers will make you conscious of what you must do with your pet… and if yes, to either question, put them away during their time in your house.   Do not assume that everyone loves animals, which is hard to believe for those of us who are avid animal lovers. I keep our dog in her “penthouse” until someone requests to see her.  Zsa Zsa, a Jack Russel, is a jumping-jack who cannot control her excitement when greeting someone! It is disconcerting for any guest to have a dog lick, jump, or shed on their clothes, especially on a black dress or dark suit pants.

“If you want a friend in Washington, D.C, get a dog.” -Former President Harry S. Truman

Grandmillennial Tip: 
If you have pets that you allow on your furniture, consider purchasing a few extra yards of fabric when you are having a piece upholstered or slipcovered.  With the extra yardage, have a throw designed to use on top.  When you place the throw on the furniture, it will “disappear” visually and can quickly be dry cleaned as needed, saving the upholstery fabric underneath undue wear, tear, and pet… fragrance!  It can even be quilted or have a decorative trim or pretty piping applied to the edges.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” -Actor Will Rogers

If your petite dog is allowed to hop on your sofa or sleep on your bed but requires a leg-up, consider buying a small antique or vintage chair or footstool to place next to it. It will be a darling little decorative accessory that will enable your dog to “hop-up” in style! 

“If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.” -Author Phil Pastoret

If you have animal-loving friends, please invite them to join the MMM party, too! 

Sign up here!

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“Pink always tastes better!”